At the service of any individual or their family members temporarily or permanently affected health wise, Vivràdom constantly strives to provide the highest quality home care.
From the same perspective we are proud to announce that our commitment towards excellence was now recognized by the CIVESS.
The CIVESS is an evaluation tool aiming at evaluating the conformity of Centres Médicaux Sociaux (CMS) and of Organismes Spécialisés dans l’Aide et les Soins à Domicile (OSAD) to the cantonal standard where the priority is set to the safety and dignity of the users.
This rigorous evaluation closely examines the practice, the protocols and the procedures to make sure they conform to the high standards set by the canton.
We are delighted to announce that the outcome of the evaluation by the CIVESS that Vivràdom is compliant with the cantonal standards. This positive outcome is the reflection of our continued dedication to maintain the highest level of quality of home care thereby respecting the individual needs of our patients.
We understand that everyone deserves to live in a safe environment and to receive care that preserves his or her dignity. Our team of health care professionals strives to create a trustworthy environment where our patients feel respected and listened to. Obtaining a positive evaluation from CIVESS is an important milestone for Vivràdom but it does not mean we will rest on our achievement, rather we see it as a stimulator to seek for excellence on our task of home care and support.
We will continue working relentlessly to improve the quality of our services, to be attentive to the needs of our clients and to the evolution of quality standards.
We also thank our dedicated team and our trusting clients. We are committed to pursue our mission with passion and excellence.