+41 21 785 70 70 info@vivradom.ch

The recent recognition by the CIVESS (Contrôle Interdisciplinaire des Visites en Établissements Sanitaires et Sociaux) of our commitment towards excellence strenghtens our determination to reach the highest standards in the field of home care sector.

We restate our commitment to stability and quality. Our understanding of the worries of the health care professionals and patients is our guide hence we are determined to provide continuous support.

At Vivràdom we are committed to provide fair and respectful working conditions for our caregivers, thus ensuring the continuity of a high quality support and care to our patients. Depending on the specific need of each patient we personalise our offer.

Should you be in need of a trustworthy partner when it comes to the home care then our team composed of health care professionals is ready to respond to your needs as of today.

To contact us call +41 21 785 70 70 or send us an e-mail to info@vivradom.ch.

We are also available to discuss in a face-to-face meeting, to discuss the ways we can contribute on continuously improving our home care in our Region.